Velan Mudaliar is my dear cousin with whom I spent most of my formative childhood years building blanket castles and running around trees with.  During our discussion, we discuss his early life in Carrollton Texas, the monstrous emergence of his brother Senthil, his childhood literary career, and eventual descent into a life of video game addiction. During early adolescence, he and his family moved to India and he transitioned to a markedly different way of life and schooling. After two years spent at the Kodaikanal boarding school, he returned to finish his senior year of high school in the great state of New Jersey and subsequently attended Rutgers University. His time in college were some of the best years of his life and a place where he developed many close friendships, studied materials engineering, and trained as part of the ROTC progam. In his free time, he is a proud comic nerd and science fiction aficionado, and in recent years has created a fantastic entertainment blog 'Infinity Curry.